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Participants Must Have Laptop With Windows Wparallels

  1. Participants Must Have Laptop With Windows Parallels 13

So, I once lived in a Linux world in college. Then, when I started work, I moved to a Windows world. I just accepted a new job and the question has arisen: PC or MAC? I'm tempted to make the move to a Mac world to broaden my skill-set (how hard can it be???!!), but Storyline is going to be a real bread-and-butter app for me, and I'm concerned that it's not natively supported on the Mac. How have you found working with Storyline on a Mac via parallels? Is the performance acceptable? Have you run into any serious productivity log-jams?

Each participant should bring a laptop with latest NS-1 version installed. An Apple computer with Windows Parallels Desktop is preferred for NeMo operation.

One thing you might need to check is whether Parallels is 'scaling' the screen properly as a DPI 96 screen. My configuration is MacBook Pro, Retina screen, Mavericks, Win7 I noticed that I couldn't update my DPI settings and screen resolutions properly in Win7, it kept reverting to the initial settings on login that lead to the discovery that Parallels can scale as a Retina screen automatically.

Even after I adjusted everything as to the notes by everyone, I still had the same issues. In Parallels Desktop on your Mac, right click the icon in the Dock to get the Preferences to show. You will need to stop the virtual machine to adjust it - in Actions, choose Shutdown.

Then choose Configure, adjust memory etc here.in Hardware, click on Video and choose Resolution: Scaled Now go back to Options, Choose Full Screen and use MacFullScreen Now, restart your virtual machine and login again This seemed to fix my problems with DPI and alignments of items. I posted this issue in another thread too, but I was hoping some experienced parallels users can help me here.

Dell laptop with windows 7

I'm running Storyline on Parallels 9 (Windows 8) on a 16GB Macbook Pro, just on the trial. I've disabled sharing, and allotted 2 CPUs and up to 3GB to my virtual machine, but Storyline keeps crashing whenever I insert a text box. What's happening on my machine is that I will insert a textbox. Then I when I release my mouse, this appears. The program will freeze for a while.

Then the text box disappears when the program unfreezes itself. I've tried inserting characters, captions, and shapes. This only happens when I insert text boxes. If I use Ctrl-T to insert the text box, I get this message ' It appears memory seems to be running low', and a red cross on my slide. How much memory should I be allotting to my VW?

More than 3GB and 2CPUs? Thanks in advance I really want to start actually using Storyline. FWIW, I have used Storyline in these two Mac-centric setups: VMware Fusion: Using the Vmware-supplied Migration Agent utility I cloned my company-issued Windows XP craptop and ran the image on my iMac within Mac OS X. It worked well for a couple of years, running virtually in a window on my Mac desktop. Cut-and-paste between OS environments, large 27' iMac screen, multiple monitorsheavenly.

Then our corporate IT group added more and more security software and hard disk encryption software and it dragged Windows things down to a crawl. (How do Windows people keep their sanity? Get a Mac!) Anyway, that led me to another solution, which has worked fantastically to this day.

VNC software over home LAN: Admittedly, this is not what this thread is talking about. If you guys had BOTH a Mac and a PC there wouldn't be a need for you to use Parallels or Fusion. Nevertheless, this setup offers some real advantages.

My company-issued Windows 7 laptop sits on the floor in another room, so it's out of the way and not cluttering up my desk. It's running VNC (virtual network computing) software that allows me to 'remotely' operate the laptop from my iMac in its own window. There are numerous VNC applications out there to choose from. The performance is great, particularly since the PC uses its processor/memory/drive, freeing that burden from my iMac. One keyboard, one mouse, one monitor for both systems.

Cut-and-paste between them. I store all my Storyline files on my iMac (in a shared folder that the PC accesses) so that my Mac OS X Time Machine backup software can take care of backups and versioning. While I'd love to see Storyline natively on Mac OS X, the Windows-VNC-Mac solution is a great one if you can swing it.

So, I once lived in a Linux world in college. Then, when I started work, I moved to a Windows world. I just accepted a new job and the question has arisen: PC or MAC? I'm tempted to make the move to a Mac world to broaden my skill-set (how hard can it be???!!), but Storyline is going to be a real bread-and-butter app for me, and I'm concerned that it's not natively supported on the Mac.

How have you found working with Storyline on a Mac via parallels? Is the performance acceptable? Have you run into any serious productivity log-jams? For Parallels specifically, avoid the bundled Kapersky AV. I was having regular BSOD's on the windows side while I had it installed. Once I removed it, smooth as silk.

Participants Must Have Laptop With Windows Wparallels

Another thing to be aware of; there is some software that does not appreciate being run in a virtual machine. There's an avatar program I use regularly that behaves very badly in a virtual environment. That generally means a trip to bootcamp when I need to work with it. Which often means that I'm working in bootcamp while using SL (or Studio 09) as well. Randall Sauchuck said: No one mentioned all the problems that can arise if you have your story file or the output destinations on the mac harddrive (you must keep them both on the virtual c drive in parallels) I have wasted over a week trouble shooting this issue Hi all, are a few important tips for running Articulate software in a Mac environment with Parallels:. First, disable the Shared Profile within Parallels, so all of the default Windows folders reside in the Windows environment and not in the Mac environment.

For more information on this, please see. After disabling the Shared Profile, you must completely uninstall and then reinstall the Articulate software. This step is only necessary if the Shared Profile feature was enabled previously.

Make sure that your Articulate project files are saved in the Windows environment and not in the shared environment. Save your Articulate projects in a folder that is located on the Windows installation. For example: C: Users Administrator Documents Also, follow these best practices when working with the Articulate products in Parallels:. Audio, video, and image resources that you want to insert into your Articulate content must be located in the Parallels/Windows environment, not the Mac. Copy and paste any files that you'll need to the Windows environment prior to inserting them into your presentation. Make sure you're saving your Articulate projects to the Parallels/Windows environment, not the Mac. The default location would be C: Users Administrator Documents My Articulate Projects.

Make sure you publish any project to the Parallels/Windows environment, not the Mac. The default location would be C: Users Administrator Documents My Articulate Projects. Never work from a network drive or a USB drive. If an existing project resides on this drive, you must first copy it to the Parallels/Windows environment before working with it. ( Note: Articulate Presenter presentations have two files that need to be transferred—the PowerPoint file and the Articulate (.ppta) file.

These two files must have the same file name and should never be separated.). I just purchased the MacBook Pro with Retina 16GB and have installed Parallels 9. Unfortunately, I'm not having much luck running Storyline and I know it probably has something to do with the way I've got it configured.

I've maxed out everything and am not using the Shared profiles as directed. I've got Windows 8 installed with all the latest drivers. Unfortunately, on my Mac, my Storyline files appear as though they are not completely rendered. Meaning that images on the slide appear as disconnected artifacts.

Participants Must Have Laptop With Windows Parallels 13

I've attached a screen capture hoping someone can help. This same file will open in Windows Storyline with all the images intact. I don't own Articulate Storyline but recently made the decision to purchase it.

Then, when reaching the last page to purchase I read that it is not available for Apple/Mac. How is this possible in 2014? With computers moving towards flash storage and cloud-based storage, it isn't reasonable or feasible for me to run parallels or bootcamp on my machines. I currently have 2 MacBook Pros with Retina Displays (13 inch and 15 inch).


I am ready to enter the Articulate Storyline camp, but every gig is precious. My entire ecosystem is Apple and I despise Microsoft Windows and Office. I tweeted with Articulate about this already, but I wanted to voice my frustration here as well. Please open the barrier for those of us (many these days!) that use Mac so that we can natively run Storyline.

Hi Joseph, I appreciate your feedback on this and the time you took to share it. Have you had the opportunity to with our development team as well, yet?

If not, I would definitely recommend doing so. It's been a popular request, as you've no doubt seen, for quite some time. We are hoping that this will be an option for a future version of Storyline. However, the more feedback we see the better. If you know anyone working on a Mac that would like to see this type of functionality, share the information with them and have them submit a request as well.

It's definitely on our list of popular requests, both from here in the community and with the support team. Thanks again for the feedback and welcome to the community, Joseph!